"The lion which is mighty among beasts
And does not retreat before any..." Proverbs 30:30 (NASB)
In my view, one of the reasons some of us fail to bring in the big kill is because we go into the hunt alone. After praying about this matter and doing some research (I even called staff members at the Dallas Zoo and the Houston Zoo), here are some thoughts I'd like to share about how the lion, the king of the jungle, reigns as the most successful hunter on the plains:
Every battle doesn't have to be fought alone. Here are the key things that I have learned from studying the Lion, one of the greatest pack hunters:
Even the king of the jungle doesn’t go it alone when hunting big game. Even though the lioness is powerful and fears nothing, she doesn't attempt to take down a giraffe alone. It requires a lot of energy and endangers her own life.
Only predators hunt in packs. Foragers go out alone and are, typically, happy with whatever they find. The most aggressive killers in nature, opt to work in groups. Maybe there's something to be learned from this?
Pack hunters are normally closely related. They are blood relatives. Because of their close relationship, each is highly invested in the welfare of the other. Similarly, we are not only related, but we are the same body.
Hunting in packs requires highly coordinated efforts and excellent internal communication. Working together can't be done haphazardly. It requires communication, organization and order within the group. Sometimes leadership is rotated, but there's always leadership. Sometimes leadership is challenged, but once the matter is settled, it remains settled...for a while, at least.
Hunting isn't always successful, but it is more likely to be successful. Just because they band together doesn't mean they will always succeed, but their chances are increased tremendously. Sometimes it's their teamwork that is the difference between hunger and feasting.
Packs often choose to outsmart their prey. Larger prey may overpower the group, but may not be as intelligent. Lions will employ the necessary tactic to win.
Packs sometimes choose to overpower their prey. Some prey are faster and more nimble...so they must be trapped and overpowered by sheer force. Lions will employ the necessary tactic to eat.
Packs sometimes choose to fatigue their prey. Some prey are nimble and strong...so the lion will chase them until one of them falls over from exhaustion. Lions will employ the necessary tactic to provide for their pride.
Packs instinctively choose advantageous situations and easier prey. There's rarely a need to attack a stronger opponent. There's rarely a clear benefit in doing so. The "low hanging fruit" can feed the pride, too. Low hanging fruit doesn't require a ladder. There are some victories that are easily available to us. We must stop passing them up.
Each pack has its own territory , marks its territory and defends it by attacking trespassers violently. It is well known that the females do the majority of the hunting (and I haven't quite reconciled that in my mind yet!). The males are usually more involved in the defense than they are the hunting. When there are threats to the pride, the males take a stand. However it's delineated, every member of the pack has a role and executes it.
I challenge us to increasingly find ways to work with one another and hunt together. It might be the answer for which many of us are looking in trying times.
What are your thoughts?
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