I took my youngest to breakfast as part of her Daddy-Daughter Day Birthday Celebration. It just so happens that the Busy Bee Cafe is near some railroad tracks and proud of it, apparently. There was quite a bit of railroad decor around the place.
Taylor: "Daddy, what is derail?"
Me: "Huh?"
Taylor: "That sign on the wall says "derail" and I don't know what that means!"
Me: "That's just when a train goes off-track. You know. Like they were trying to stop from happening in that Denzel movie?"
Taylor: "Why does that matter?"
Me: "It matters a whole lot when the train is carrying certain chemicals. Do you see what those tankers say? They say "Hydrochloric Acid" on the side. On the lower right. Do you see?"
Taylor: "What's that?"
Me: "Well, they're probably tankers full of undiluted acid. Very dangerous stuff if not properly contained. I imagine a tank of hydrochloric acid spilling can be a major problem around here. That stuff can burn human flesh. Nobody wants that. Undiluted, that stuff can clean metal and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure it's mostly for industrial uses. You know? In factories and stuff."
Taylor: "Why even put it on trains at all?"
Me: "That's another story. I'm sure it's cheaper than transporting it in other ways."
Taylor: "Hmmmm.... I hope they're careful with that stuff! Sounds dangerous!"
This short conversation this past weekend made me think about how people can be their absolute most effective in life. (So many things impact me this way!)
Here's my simple thought: Are you giving us the real you everyday? Undiluted? Or are you watering yourself down before you start your day? Like an acid, the undiluted you is powerful - able to penetrate almost any obstacle. The "diluted" you is nothing more than an irritant. It makes peoples' eyes burn a little, but doesn't make any lasting impact or real change.
Think about it. Don't dilute yourself any longer. When you aren't being fully you, you're just irritating.
I would be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Senin, 30 April 2012
Minggu, 29 April 2012
It's Time to Reveal What's Inside You.
This is my rally cry for this week! I'm so happy for faithful teachers, mentors and preachers. The Lord seems to be working overtime lately to encourage and empower me. I'm humbled. I could cry. It's like He won't be satisfied with me living a life that's anything less than my potential. I've been taught, stretched, challenged, pressed, encouraged and pushed to my very limits these past few weeks to the point where I want to scream sometimes.
But I can see how He's already beginning to work it out for my good. Now my cry has changed. "Stretch me, Lord!" I can see how He's forcing me to change - to emerge - to show the world the real Mark Anthony McCray It's exhausting! However, once I've come forth I'll see the "me" I was always intended to be. I'm looking forward to showing you that man.
If you know me, you know this blog is about YOU. It's time for you to emerge! It's time for you to take some chances. Like I posted on my Facebook Page earlier today: Ships weren't made for the harbor. You'll never realize your purpose, best performance, potential and prosperity until you launch out!
You are the salve for someone's wound. Not only that. Your emergence is your blessing. Your emergence is the blessing to those who are counting on you. Show us what's inside you. We need you. We really do.
I would also be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Selasa, 24 April 2012
Jim Rohn: "How to Have Your Best Year Ever"
I always did like this video and this particular teacher! He's a model for how I'm building my own business. He spoke, he wrote and he always incorporated Biblical wisdom in ways that everyone could receive. Great role model in many ways. I hope you enjoy this.
Then, if you liked it, check out my blog series entitled "8 Keys to Achieving Higher Performance in Your Purpose" and let me know what you think!

Senin, 23 April 2012
5 Things I've Never Done (But Want to This Year)!
I'm planning on skydiving for my birthday this year and I want you to come with me!! If you're in the Houston area, get in touch with me!!! mark@livebigdieempty.com is the best way!
1. Skydive. How can I resist? This has to happen!! They don't let you do your first jump alone. They strap you in with an Instructor. I'll be looking for the one with the biggest smile and best mood!
2. Perform a Stand-Up Comedy Routine. Just because. No time limit on it. Just something I want to do! I don't care if I bomb. That's part of the process!
3. Ride a Horse. I really can't believe I've not done this being from Texarkana. I have no clue how this hasn't happened. I don't feel like a 100% Texan and I need to fix that.
4. Milk a Cow. Just like riding a horse. I can't believe I haven't done it either!
5. Climb a Mountain. This is one of those things I want to do with a partner or two. No fun going alone. I'm looking forward to having my whole body ache from pushing myself past the limit.
What are some things on your Life List??? Tell me what you want to do!!
I would also be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Sabtu, 21 April 2012
Isn't it time to change your mind?
We're told that we have to change the way we think to change our lives. Well, if true, what should we think about and how do we change our thoughts? I've created this special study called "Change Your Mind" to help you think in ways that are more productive and purposeful using various scriptures from God's word as your guide.
Have you ever stopped to think that everything around you – even everything in your own life – first began with a thought? It began either as a thought in the mind of God or a thought in your own mind. What awesome power lies in our minds! Few of us ever stop to consider the power of our own thoughts and attitudes, but the Bible proclaims that we are the content of our thoughts!
“…For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)
It has been said that the only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is how they think. After all, everyone has the same number of hours in the day, right? It’s how we use them that makes the most difference and our actions come from our thoughts. As Believers, we even all serve the same God leading Dr. Charles Stanley to say “we will largely become what we think about.”
I want you to purchase this study and learn how to elevate your level of thinking about your present situation, your challenges and your future! ORDER LINK
Here's some feedback from one of the first to download this program!
"It was great. I always try to practice right thinking but "productive thinking" took it to another level for me. It really is about our mental diet. I realized that my thinking was not only repetitive, but unproductive. There were no new patterns of thought as you said. What I was thinking a particular day was the exact same thing I was thinking the day before and the day before that and so forth. So I was able to take the scriptures that you went over and created daily affirmations from them. Now I recognize the thought, but don't get stuck in it. I was blessed." ~KP
Inside the study, I discuss proper thinking about yourself, your God, your circumstances and your future in practical and encouraging ways. You need this!!
For example...I show you how...
1. God will often show you more for your future well before you possess your future.
2. The future that God has for you is going to be abundant.
3. The future that God has for you is going to be intimidating.
4. You are able to take possession of the future God has for you!
Now...the next thing I want you to do is invest a little under $5 in changing your mind so you can begin to change your path!
I would also be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Have you ever stopped to think that everything around you – even everything in your own life – first began with a thought? It began either as a thought in the mind of God or a thought in your own mind. What awesome power lies in our minds! Few of us ever stop to consider the power of our own thoughts and attitudes, but the Bible proclaims that we are the content of our thoughts!
“…For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)
It has been said that the only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is how they think. After all, everyone has the same number of hours in the day, right? It’s how we use them that makes the most difference and our actions come from our thoughts. As Believers, we even all serve the same God leading Dr. Charles Stanley to say “we will largely become what we think about.”
I want you to purchase this study and learn how to elevate your level of thinking about your present situation, your challenges and your future! ORDER LINK
Here's some feedback from one of the first to download this program!
"It was great. I always try to practice right thinking but "productive thinking" took it to another level for me. It really is about our mental diet. I realized that my thinking was not only repetitive, but unproductive. There were no new patterns of thought as you said. What I was thinking a particular day was the exact same thing I was thinking the day before and the day before that and so forth. So I was able to take the scriptures that you went over and created daily affirmations from them. Now I recognize the thought, but don't get stuck in it. I was blessed." ~KP
Inside the study, I discuss proper thinking about yourself, your God, your circumstances and your future in practical and encouraging ways. You need this!!
For example...I show you how...
1. God will often show you more for your future well before you possess your future.
2. The future that God has for you is going to be abundant.
3. The future that God has for you is going to be intimidating.
4. You are able to take possession of the future God has for you!
Now...the next thing I want you to do is invest a little under $5 in changing your mind so you can begin to change your path!
I would also be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Jumat, 20 April 2012
"Six Ways to Defeat Worry"
If you missed my lastest motivational call, you missed a great time!!! I talked about "Six Ways to Defeat Worry" in your life. Worry is one of the biggest reasons most people aren't living their best life. Here are some things to remember!
1. CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE. Free yourself to think strategically instead of concerning yourself with today or tomorrow like so many people do. They are already taken care of for you. (Luke 12:22)
2. KNOW THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Realize that there are no impossible situations or insurmountable obstacles. Even the impossible isn't impossible. Start thinking about possibilities and opportunities in your situation. (Matthew 19:26)
3. TAKE A BREAK FROM COMPLAINING. Take a break from complaints and criticisms. Instead of bemoaning what you lack, just ask God and men for what you want and need and see what happens! (Philippians 4:6)
4. THE VICTORY IS WON! Know that victory is already assured. Everything, in fact, ALL THINGS are ALREADY working for your GOOD (not for your harm)! (Romans 8:28)
5. ONLY SPEAK LIFE. If you don't want to see it manifested, don't let it come out of your mouth. There are too many examples of the power of your words to even mention. Just mind your words! (Proverbs 18:21)
6. TAKE ACTION. Take positive action. One of the best ways to change the direction of your life is to form a habit of decreasing the time you spend between thought and action. You've got to get up and do something different to have something different. (Matthew 7:7)
The bottom line is worry can steal your greatest moments from you and prevent you from living your best life, but only if you allow it! Fight back in faith! And don't just live, LIVE BIG!
Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveBIGDieEmpty
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markanthonymccray/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103149858138414160703/posts
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/markanthonymccray
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/markmccray/
Click HERE for information on Mark as a speaker or presenter and HERE to learn about coaching programs to help you realize your potential and live more prosperously!
Senin, 16 April 2012
Double Hump It!
I've talked before about the importance of deciding who belongs in your life and who doesn't. I'm not the first. Solomon said "He who walks with wise men will be wise..." long before anyone every thought about Mark Anthony McCray. There's more to the story, however. Here's a visual tool to help you think about how you go about your relationships - personal and work relationships.
It's called the Double Hump and I learned it years ago.
The concept is very, very simple. Everyone who enters your life or workspace or ministry should either be there a LONG TIME or a SHORT TIME with nobody in the middle. Your goal should be to allow people into your life fairly freely. No walls. Be open. However, you've got a set of values and you need to stick to them. If you discover someone's values are incompatible with your own, they need to go! On the other hand, when you find people who share your same values, whether in ministry or work or personal relationships, these are the people you should endeavor to keep in your life. They are to be treasured!
The middle is the danger zone. That's where your energy drained, your time is wasted and where the other person is being kept away from their best and blessed place in life, too. You're holding on where you should not be. You know they need to go, but you're afraid to let them. Bottom line. Be courageous to let them go. Nobody in the middle. Double hump it!
Please SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Mastermind Meetings and One-on-One ResultsCoaching
I have a question for you: How much would you pay me to work for you or teach you?
Seriously. If you could hire me to teach you, coach you and train you - how much would you be willing to pay for it? Would changing the direction of your life for the better be worth skipping a few cups of coffee a month? If you could learn new exercises, techniques and strategies for planning your life, building a business, increasing your income and understanding your purpose, would it be worth the price of a meal? I've created a 10 Point Program designed to give you clarity, hope, methods and RESULTS and I'm ready to share it with you!
FIRST, some feedback from one person with whom I've worked...
"Thank you for your help! Talking with you was a great help. I felt like I was at a place where I was no longer able to maximize my potential and need to surround myself with people who are accomplishing great things and who have the capacity and desire to accomplish great things. I have accomplished quite a bit based on the knowledge I gleaned from you. At this point in my life, I am ready to expand my vision and expand my tents and I need the counsel of others to accomplish all that God has in me to do."
Here's another one...
"Some good words for a good man...From the get go Mark became a very inspirational figure for me. Not only did he motivate me to work harder for my goals, but he helped me get one step closer to them. When I needed help and guidance he has been there for me. I know that I can count on him for help, great advice, leadership, or even just an ear. :-) Thanks again!"
The stories continue. I have given a number of people counsel that transformed their lives, but then realized that it would be much better if I put together Mastermind-Accountability-Power Groups to help even more people. I now have so many projects that I'm usually not available to be hired to teach, coach and mentor people one-on-one.
Very rarely, I create a small "Inner Circle" or high-end coaching program, and these normally range from a few hundred to a few thousand per year in tuition (and again, this is for GROUP training and coaching).
And honestly, because I've invested the last several years of my life creating the VERY BEST training programs for all key areas of success with life, business and money - it's actually BETTER to go through one of my highly-organized training programs with a group to benefit from everyone's feedback.
Right now, I'm opening up a new group for a purpose, money, wealth and business training program that I'm going to be teaching over a few weeks. Included in this package of training are some of my very best online business and life-mapping education programs. I just did a little bit of quick math and realized that when you register for this program, you're paying about $9.99 an hour for the incredible training you're getting.
Under ten bucks an hour. Really less than that. And I PREPARE for each of the segments that I facilitate in this training - so it's very conscious, very focused and very effective.
Now, the reality is that I've probably invested at least a thousand hours reading, attending live seminars, learning from mentors, coaching others, testing and implementing the techniques you're going to learn in this program to succeed in life and business...
So it's more like hiring me for pennies an hour to do the research, then asking me to summarize it all for you in easy-to-understand and easy-to-use formats - so you can succeed faster than I did (which many people who have used my trainings have done).
As you can see, I'm trying to give you another perspective on how to think about this important investment in your education and your future success. If you don't educate yourself about life, business, money and wealth, I can guarantee you success won't happen by happenstance.
This program is only open for registration for a few days. I really want you to see the incredible value that you're going to get when you participate in these trainings with me - so I'm offering a no-commitment guarantee. You cancel the program at any time if you don't like it, all you have to do is send me an email and let me know that you gave it a shot, but it's just not right for you. The only thing you've got to lose is your fear, uncertainty and weakness about life, business and money...
Join me today! I hope to see you in the program!
Mark Anthony
P.S. Think about what I said about the $9.99 an hour. This is a real opportunity for you to get trained by me for a bargain.
Please take a few moments to check out my "Live Big. Die Empty." Forum and Blog! "Live Big. Die Empty" contains some of the techniques that I used to start taking my life in a better direction - to start living bigger so that I could bring to fruition everything God placed in me.
You can begin to “Live Big and Die Empty”, too! Start by "Liking" this page http://www.facebook.com/LiveBigDieEmpty and then order my book and you're on your way!
One-Time Vision and Goals Coaching
Have Mark Anthony McCray listen to you and get you on track to success with an Introductory Call! This is a private call - just me and you -for up to one hour. Only $49.00 for the first hour!
Mastermind Group Coaching
I host Mastermind Groups for those interested in on-going work on their vision and goals over the course of a ten month program. Read more about how mastermind groups can work for you here: More About Masterminds! My mastermind telegroups meet virtually on the phone for two hours a month. I've got programs available for people who want to meet with my local group, as well!
Private Vision and Goals Consultation
I do private consultations for Clients who want the impact of my mastermind groups but with privacy. We meet virtually by phone or face-to-face for two hours per month privately. We discuss your dreams and goals and work together on a plan to move you towards higher levels of achievement. My private clients are also welcome to participate in the mastermind calls if they choose.
Just choose the package that's right for you!
Whether you want to work with me privately or in a group setting, you'll benefit from a 10-Session Program focusing on the following:
1 - Getting to Know the REAL YOU
2 - Clarity in Your Purpose and Passions
3 - Vision and Goal-setting
4 - Developing Plans of Action
5 - Tools to Help You Stay Motivated and Focused
6 - Accountability
7 - Identifying and Connecting to People and Resources
...and much, much more!
All of the most successful people have coaches. Maybe it's time for you to join their ranks?
Please Please take a few moments to SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Also, please visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Seriously. If you could hire me to teach you, coach you and train you - how much would you be willing to pay for it? Would changing the direction of your life for the better be worth skipping a few cups of coffee a month? If you could learn new exercises, techniques and strategies for planning your life, building a business, increasing your income and understanding your purpose, would it be worth the price of a meal? I've created a 10 Point Program designed to give you clarity, hope, methods and RESULTS and I'm ready to share it with you!
FIRST, some feedback from one person with whom I've worked...
"Thank you for your help! Talking with you was a great help. I felt like I was at a place where I was no longer able to maximize my potential and need to surround myself with people who are accomplishing great things and who have the capacity and desire to accomplish great things. I have accomplished quite a bit based on the knowledge I gleaned from you. At this point in my life, I am ready to expand my vision and expand my tents and I need the counsel of others to accomplish all that God has in me to do."
Here's another one...
"Some good words for a good man...From the get go Mark became a very inspirational figure for me. Not only did he motivate me to work harder for my goals, but he helped me get one step closer to them. When I needed help and guidance he has been there for me. I know that I can count on him for help, great advice, leadership, or even just an ear. :-) Thanks again!"
The stories continue. I have given a number of people counsel that transformed their lives, but then realized that it would be much better if I put together Mastermind-Accountability-Power Groups to help even more people. I now have so many projects that I'm usually not available to be hired to teach, coach and mentor people one-on-one.
Very rarely, I create a small "Inner Circle" or high-end coaching program, and these normally range from a few hundred to a few thousand per year in tuition (and again, this is for GROUP training and coaching).
And honestly, because I've invested the last several years of my life creating the VERY BEST training programs for all key areas of success with life, business and money - it's actually BETTER to go through one of my highly-organized training programs with a group to benefit from everyone's feedback.
Right now, I'm opening up a new group for a purpose, money, wealth and business training program that I'm going to be teaching over a few weeks. Included in this package of training are some of my very best online business and life-mapping education programs. I just did a little bit of quick math and realized that when you register for this program, you're paying about $9.99 an hour for the incredible training you're getting.
Under ten bucks an hour. Really less than that. And I PREPARE for each of the segments that I facilitate in this training - so it's very conscious, very focused and very effective.
Now, the reality is that I've probably invested at least a thousand hours reading, attending live seminars, learning from mentors, coaching others, testing and implementing the techniques you're going to learn in this program to succeed in life and business...
So it's more like hiring me for pennies an hour to do the research, then asking me to summarize it all for you in easy-to-understand and easy-to-use formats - so you can succeed faster than I did (which many people who have used my trainings have done).
As you can see, I'm trying to give you another perspective on how to think about this important investment in your education and your future success. If you don't educate yourself about life, business, money and wealth, I can guarantee you success won't happen by happenstance.
This program is only open for registration for a few days. I really want you to see the incredible value that you're going to get when you participate in these trainings with me - so I'm offering a no-commitment guarantee. You cancel the program at any time if you don't like it, all you have to do is send me an email and let me know that you gave it a shot, but it's just not right for you. The only thing you've got to lose is your fear, uncertainty and weakness about life, business and money...
Join me today! I hope to see you in the program!
Mark Anthony
P.S. Think about what I said about the $9.99 an hour. This is a real opportunity for you to get trained by me for a bargain.
Please take a few moments to check out my "Live Big. Die Empty." Forum and Blog! "Live Big. Die Empty" contains some of the techniques that I used to start taking my life in a better direction - to start living bigger so that I could bring to fruition everything God placed in me.
You can begin to “Live Big and Die Empty”, too! Start by "Liking" this page http://www.facebook.com/LiveBigDieEmpty and then order my book and you're on your way!
One-Time Vision and Goals Coaching
Have Mark Anthony McCray listen to you and get you on track to success with an Introductory Call! This is a private call - just me and you -for up to one hour. Only $49.00 for the first hour!
Mastermind Group Coaching
I host Mastermind Groups for those interested in on-going work on their vision and goals over the course of a ten month program. Read more about how mastermind groups can work for you here: More About Masterminds! My mastermind telegroups meet virtually on the phone for two hours a month. I've got programs available for people who want to meet with my local group, as well!
Private Vision and Goals Consultation
I do private consultations for Clients who want the impact of my mastermind groups but with privacy. We meet virtually by phone or face-to-face for two hours per month privately. We discuss your dreams and goals and work together on a plan to move you towards higher levels of achievement. My private clients are also welcome to participate in the mastermind calls if they choose.
Just choose the package that's right for you!
Whether you want to work with me privately or in a group setting, you'll benefit from a 10-Session Program focusing on the following:
1 - Getting to Know the REAL YOU
2 - Clarity in Your Purpose and Passions
3 - Vision and Goal-setting
4 - Developing Plans of Action
5 - Tools to Help You Stay Motivated and Focused
6 - Accountability
7 - Identifying and Connecting to People and Resources
...and much, much more!
All of the most successful people have coaches. Maybe it's time for you to join their ranks?
Please Please take a few moments to SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Also, please visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Senin, 09 April 2012
Anger Danger!
I used to be a very angry person. I may not have looked like it on the outside but my heart was filled with blames, resentments and a low, simmering anger for many years. Frankly, not all was directed at others. Some was directed at myself. I refused to let people off the hook for wrongs I perceived as being done to me.
Anger had made me into its victim and forced me to see other people as villains. I learned to let it go once I realized that EVERYONE is guilty and all need grace...even me. Watch this video to see how I explain this! ---> VIDEO
Today, I've got something to say SPECIFICALLY to my friends - particularly men. Contrary to what the movies and rap songs tell you, harboring anger IS NOT helping to propel you forward in life. There is no (long-term) benefit to having an "I'll get them back for what they've done to me!!" kind of attitude. As you're thinking that, you're destroying other parts of your life and after you "get them back" you're left with little purpose and no drive except to find another villain.
Please learn how to forgive and forgive QUICKLY upon exiting a dead situation. Harbor no anger. Give the enemy no place. The #1 thing I see in men (of all ages) that prevents us from moving forward in healthy relationships, business and entrepreneurship and good health is ANGER. Whether a low simmer or a boiling tempest, it doesn't matter. You've got to let it go.
Here's where anger hurts men more than women...
Our brains can't function as well with it meaning it will hurt your performance in every other area of your life. Period. Males literally have fewer synapses connecting both hemispheres of the brain - the logical side and the emotional side. That means women CAN LITERALLY handle emotions and tasks better at the same time without conflict. (This is why there are fewer female serial killers, some have argued. A man can snap and it's "over" for him and everyone around him. Most women can "snap" and still reason her way into hurting only the object of her anger.)
Bottom line is men are being stagnated by anger in ways that are harming themselves and our churches and communities and the women in our lives. Anger prevents you from being able to move forward into God's best for you. Time to look at your heart, be honest and let it go, brothers.
How can we overcome anger? Please leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon!
To your success!

Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveBIGDieEmpty
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markanthonymccray/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103149858138414160703/posts
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/markanthonymccray
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/markmccray/
For more information on Mark as a speaker or presenter check out http://livebigdieempty.blogspot.com/p/about-mark_29.html
Selasa, 03 April 2012
Are you with me or against me?
I hate to sound even remotely "negative" and if you know me, you know that. However, I need to reiterate my earlier post from my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook Page with a little bit of an explanation. I said "People who insist on measuring you only according to your past MUST NOT be allowed to be a part of your future!" It might be time to draw a line in the sand.
Your environment matters. A lot! One of the most limiting factors in many of your lives are external to you. The thoughts and opinions of you from those around you matter. They really do. They can either restrict you or free you to grow and excel. Heck, the Bible said that even Jesus couldn't do many miracles in his hometown. It's vital and fearful to take careful account of those with whom you work, socialize and even worship. You will become more and more like those you spend more and more of your time with!
We've talked about this before. Do you need further anecdotal evidence? Studies show that most fortunes are made AFTER a person physically moves to a new city/environment. Read books like The Millionaire Next Door and see what the authors have to say about the power of what I call "positive peer pressure" in your life. All of us need an opportunity to define ourselves and set our path solely based on the Creator's design for us and what He's placed in our hearts.
Back to my original point. Sadly, there are those who will only allow you to be what you WERE when you're around them. You're going to have to decide if that's acceptable to you. I'm not suggesting you cut off everyone, move to the other side of the planet and start over. There probably is someone, however, to whom you need to limit your exposure. On the other hand, the right people will push you to greater and greater heights!
Be careful to keep yourself around people who expect nothing but excellence from you. That's a key to Living BIG! and Dying Empty.
Please leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
Your environment matters. A lot! One of the most limiting factors in many of your lives are external to you. The thoughts and opinions of you from those around you matter. They really do. They can either restrict you or free you to grow and excel. Heck, the Bible said that even Jesus couldn't do many miracles in his hometown. It's vital and fearful to take careful account of those with whom you work, socialize and even worship. You will become more and more like those you spend more and more of your time with!
We've talked about this before. Do you need further anecdotal evidence? Studies show that most fortunes are made AFTER a person physically moves to a new city/environment. Read books like The Millionaire Next Door and see what the authors have to say about the power of what I call "positive peer pressure" in your life. All of us need an opportunity to define ourselves and set our path solely based on the Creator's design for us and what He's placed in our hearts.
Back to my original point. Sadly, there are those who will only allow you to be what you WERE when you're around them. You're going to have to decide if that's acceptable to you. I'm not suggesting you cut off everyone, move to the other side of the planet and start over. There probably is someone, however, to whom you need to limit your exposure. On the other hand, the right people will push you to greater and greater heights!
Be careful to keep yourself around people who expect nothing but excellence from you. That's a key to Living BIG! and Dying Empty.
Please leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!
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