Maafkan aku.
Seharusnya aku tahu bahwa yang harus kulakukan begitu sederhana. Bahwa aku hanya perlu memercayaimu.
Maafkan aku.
Aku meragukanmu. Padahal seharusnya akulah yang paling tahu indahnya kesungguhanmu.
Kuharap kau tahu bahwa aku selalu mengharapkan kebahagiaanmu lebih dari siapapun. Aku belajar memahamimu, aku selalu berusaha menjaga perasaanmu.
Tak ada niatku untuk menyakitimu. Namun justru akulah yang mengakibatkan kekecewaanmu. Justru akulah yang menyakitimu.
Hari Jumat tanggal 29 Juni 2012.
Lagi-lagi aku membuat masalah. Aku merusak segalanya. Semua salahku. Untuk yang kesekian kalinya, semua salahku.
Kuharap malam ini lara tak sanggup menelan senyum dan tawamu... Namun jika begitu adanya, akulah yang akan mengembalikannya.
Jumat, 29 Juni 2012
Selasa, 26 Juni 2012
Learning to Be Honest About Who You Are... a very challenging thing at times. It's a challenge I thought I'd beaten 100% until I discovered that there is more inside me than I thought (and I think pretty highly of myself at times). Now I'm finding myself looking in the mirror (again) and being challenged (again) to find a higher level in life. The truth is I've been selling myself and severely undervaluing myself. I can see that now.
But how about you? How honest are you about who you are and what you are? How honest are you about where you want to be in life? That's the first step towards walking in the peace and fulfillment you want. Honesty. Then you can start taking steps towards the life you want - that you were meant to live - but it can't happen until you come face-to-face with YOU and accept who you are.
Realize, too, that where you are isn't where you have to remain. But reaching any destination first begins with figuring out where you are.
Subscribe to this blog. Let's journey together!
But how about you? How honest are you about who you are and what you are? How honest are you about where you want to be in life? That's the first step towards walking in the peace and fulfillment you want. Honesty. Then you can start taking steps towards the life you want - that you were meant to live - but it can't happen until you come face-to-face with YOU and accept who you are.
Realize, too, that where you are isn't where you have to remain. But reaching any destination first begins with figuring out where you are.
Subscribe to this blog. Let's journey together!
Minggu, 24 Juni 2012
Guarding Your Thoughts
Why are you who you are? Why are you where you are? Where will you be tomorrow?
This is really basic today. You are who you are because of the way you think about yourself. You are where you are in life because of the ways you've processed thoughts. You will be where you will be tomorrow because of how you think today. I wish this had been more suspenseful. This is one of those "it is what it is" moments. A wise man once wrote it this way: "Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life."
- Your thoughts become your fantasies.
- Your fantasies lead to feelings.
- Feelings become acts.
- Acts become habits.
- Habits become your character.
- Your character becomes your destiny.
Your dominant thoughts always become your destiny. Watch what you think. Only think on things that will take you the direction you want to go. No exceptions! No exceptions ever! Focus on the content of your thinking and the rest will take care of itself.
One of the ways you can guard your thoughts is by making sure you're reading motivational, educational and inspirational material all the time. Subscribe to this blog for some good brain and soul food!!
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
Malam ini, hari Sabtu tanggal 23 Juni 2012, pukul 20:48.
Gue baru tau.
Kalo saking malunya pun gue bisa sampe nangis.
Dan malam ini pula gue baru tau kalo ada kosakata yang namanya "penasaran setengah males". Baru tau.
Gue baru tau.
Kalo saking malunya pun gue bisa sampe nangis.
Dan malam ini pula gue baru tau kalo ada kosakata yang namanya "penasaran setengah males". Baru tau.
Apebayuu \(≧∇≦)/
Apebayu apebayuuu ╭(*⌒з⌒)人 (⌒ε⌒*)ノ
Sebagai penghargaan atas kerja keras gue selama setengah tahun ini dan pencapaian gue sebagai ranking 9 di kelas gue, gue dapet apebayuuu apebayuuu ╭(*⌒з⌒)人 (⌒ε⌒*)ノ
Yah, sejujurnya juga gue masih shock, masa iya gue dapet ranking 9 ._. yah, bukan cuma gue doang sih yang bingung. Banyak yang laen. Oke, kenapa jadi kesannya gue ini bego banget yah (¬_¬")
Tapi yang sekarang bisa dilakukan hanyalah bersyukur. Dan bergoyang inul riaaa ~(˘▾˘~) (~˘▾˘)~
Menyesuaikan diri dengan trend sekarang, apebayu gue Android dund (っˆヮˆ)っ
Apebayu gue punya nama lahir Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman, tipe WT19i. Tapi nama kerennya Cimit-cimitnya Isty (●≧▽≦)♪ yah, cuma butuh 2 jam pertama dan gue udah jatuh cinta sama dia.
Ini diaaa cimit-cimit barunya Isty:
Cakep banget yah cimit-cimit barunya Isty. Hiks *terharu*
Isty suka yang putih karena cakeps, tapi Isty gak suka yang putih karena gampang kotor *tinggal beli silikon aja sih kayak orang susah aja -___-*
Yah, berkat apebayu ini gue jadi punya hobi baru.
Nyari wi-fi gratis ( ̄ー ̄)
Akhir kata, buat yang sampe sekarang belom ngerti apebayu artinya apa, sekilas info. Apebayu bacanya hape baru. Makanya kapan-kapan kalo buka blog orang bawa kamus.
Btw, motivasi gue bikin post ini adalah untuk membagi kebahagiaan, bukan pamer.
Persegi Panjang dan Kotak
Merindukanmu begitu menyesakkan, namun juga menenangkan.
Menyesakkan kala mengingat jarak yang memisahkan kita.
Menyesakkan kala mengingat jangka waktu yang tak kunjung mempertemukan kita. Menyesakkan kala mengingat bahwa aku tak dapat mendengar suaramu, melihat senyum dan tawamu.
Menyesakkan kala mengingat bahwa aku tak mampu berada di sampingmu untuk menciptakan dan menikmati kebahagiaanmu.
Menyesakkan kala mengingat bahwa aku tak bisa tetap di sisimu untuk menjagamu dari lara macam apapun.
Merindukanmu begitu menyesakkan, namun juga menenangkan.
Menenangkan kala merasakan hangatnya dada ini ketika mengingat senyum dan tawamu.
Menenangkan kala mengingat bahwa kau baik-baik saja meskipun tak berada di sisiku.
Menenangkan kala mengingat bahwa bukan hanya aku yang dibuat gelisah oleh rindu ini, bahwa kaupun merasakan hal yang sama seperti yang kurasakan...
Andai bisa,
aku ingin memundurkan waktu kembali pada saat kita tertawa dan menikmati hari bersama,
dan ingin kubekukan waktu pada saat itu juga,
agar kita bisa terus bersama tanpa harus mencemaskan hal apa yang bisa memisahkan kita.
Gegana badaii ( ° △ ° ") gue kangen sama si ono ihks :'(
Oiyah, sekilas translate buat yang kamseupay: gegana badai artinya GElisah, GAlau, meraNA badai. Dan setau gue, menurut era gaul yang makin lama makin miring, badai udah jadi kata pengganti banget. Ya, mungkin.
Gue gaada maksud apa-apa bikin kayak ginian. Beneran deh suer tekewer-kewer. Gue gak boong, gue gak ada maksud apa-apa, plis percaya doooongggg ( ̄^ ̄) oke, gue sarap. Kasus ditutup.
Gue tulisin sepotong aja yah. Cuma hafal segitu soalnya.
"Terkadang, kita bertransformasi menjadi persegi panjang.
Aku, kamu, rindu, dan jarak yang menghadang."
Yah... Pertanyaannya, kenapa harus persegi panjang kalo bisa kotak? Hhmm misterius.
*dibawa kabur*
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Never Allow Average to Become Acceptable!
You are NOT an "Average Joe" by any means! I'm not even hearing that!
The time for settling is over. No more settling in your finances. No more settling in your relationships. No more settling in your passion. No more settling in your purpose! Far too many of you are living below your privilege and have become comfortable there. Consider this your wake-up call. I'll let you hit snooze once. After that I'm coming with the cold water!
Surround yourself with people who expect excellence out of you and also expect excellence out of yourself. Never settle again! There is NO REASON you can't walk in greatness. NONE!!
For About the One Billioneth Time!
Boy, oh boy, does your environment make a difference! After spending the last couple of days around some of the sharpest, most aggressive people I know, I am so convinced that I needed this! I needed more time around leaders and I got it. Thank God!
This could be one of my shortest blogs ever. I just want to remind you of a couple of things:
If I can remind you of those and encourage you to seek out the company of fine men and women, I will have done my job today. That's pretty much it. A reminder. Now do it!!!
Subscribe. Let me help you keep your internal dialogue healthy and productive! Also, thank God for cheerleaders! If you need one, let me know!
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Thank God for Cheerleaders!
Everybody needs a cheerleader! Even me.
Last week I began to notice that my internal dialogue had become poisoned. I don't know how it happened. I honestly don't. I started catching myself saying negative, unproductive and critical things to myself and my life and situation. This isn't me. Where did this come from? I didn't know, but I was seeing how my mood was poor and my optimism and energy were being drained away from me slowly. This isn't me. Not usually.
But I'm thankful the Lord sent me a few cheerleaders to remind me of all the great things that are in me!
Sometimes negative people and situations can sap our strength and we don't even realize it's happening. I can't always be around my cheerleaders, so I'm fighting back. I'm confessing good words over my life and my future. I'm believing for greater things and good outcomes... the way I usually do! I hope you'll do the same!
Subscribe. Let me help you keep your internal dialogue healthy and productive! Also, thank God for cheerleaders! Also thank God for allowing me to find a fully-clothed one for this post. That's harder to do than you think!
Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012
How Iron Sharpens Iron
A true friend reminds you of your righteousness instead of your wretchedness. Iron sharpens iron. Truth. But how does this happen? I would suggest that it doesn't happen through criticism...primarily because most people don't know how to offer it.
"Mark, but...but..."
Hear me out for a moment. There is ALWAYS a way to say anything. Look up what the Proverbs say about a "word fitly spoken" and share your thoughts with me. Also, remember that it takes eleven sincere compliments to undo the damage of one criticism.
Therefore, let me share THREE ways to offer feedback that will more likely be received and EDIFY the hearer:
(1) Offer "feedback" instead of "constructive criticism" in every case. Just hearing the word "criticism" will make people grow tense. Instead say "May I offer you some feedback?" It's always feedback because feedback doesn't automatically lend a negative connotation to the situation.
(2) Never offer feedback without their permission. If they say "No" it is really okay. The world won't end. Maybe they don't want to hear what you have to say right now. They will live and so will you. Often your feedback hasn't been received well in the past because YOU needed to say it more than they needed to hear it. Get past yourself. If they don't give you permission to continue, don't. Simple as that.
(3) Sandwiches. This is an old technique that still works. Sandwich the feedback between sincere compliments. This is easy. Start with something positive they've accomplished, insert a way they can improve and close with a reinforcement of their value to you and their accomplishments. This reinforces that you're coming from a place of RELATIONSHIP with them and that you're not seeking to sever the relationship by way of your words.
People tend to gravitate towards their praise and grow more by way of positive expectations and reinforcements than from criticisms. It reminds of me a quote I heard from a Philadelphia sports fan who was overhead booing Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt. When asked why, he said "I'm trying to make him better!" How ridiculous to think a Hall of Fame Ballplayer was moved by his boos! I'll bet you a dollar the "great cloud of witnesses" is cheering you on... not waiting for you to stumble so they can point out your flaws.
To your success!
Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
For more information on Mark as a speaker or presenter check out
You Only Get One Today. Use Wisely.
How well are you using your time so far today? Are you focused on your MOST IMPORTANT tasks instead of just the urgent ones? Here's how you decide what requires your utmost diligence:
URGENT = Make sure it's urgent for you instead of a case of someone else's urgency trying to make its way into your life. Urgency is often emotional. Manage your emotions and slow down. Even the things that feel the most urgent could sometimes benefit from taking the time to step back a moment.
IMPORTANT = You KNOW you need to do it, achieve it, prioritize it. These are the next things to do. Prioritize them and make sure all are handled in order of priority, not preference. This is real diligence. Doing what you must do instead of only doing what you want to do.
URGENT + IMPORTANT = Give these items your TOP focus at the start of the day. Then shift to the important. Some things just have to be done when they have to be done. No mulling it over. Take care of business!!!
I'm not saying you have to be driven to perform every moment of each day. Rest is an important part of managing your time well. I just want remind you that you only get this moment once. Cherish it, value it and use it well.
To your prosperity!
Join me on Facebook and subscribe to this blog a part of your action! Let's progress together!

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
How Badly Do You Want It? you have to decide how badly you want it. Do you want "it" enough to change? Your words SAY you've received a vision - direction from God - but when are you going to totally sell out to bringing it into manifestation.
(You believe that ultimately the "answer of the tongue belongs to the Lord" but you also know you haven't done all YOU can do!) how badly do you want God's best for your life? For your family? Do you want it enough to fast? To pray? To push away that plate? To make an extra phone call? To wake up earlier in the morning or go to bed earlier at night? To invest in your education or at least buy (and read) that book? To knock on a few doors? To step out of your fears and walk in faith? To get your emotions under control and stop letting them drive you?
If there isn't something on that list or on your own that you're willing to do differently, you're still just talking. You don't want "it" badly enough yet. Join me on Facebook and subscribe to this blog a part of your action! Let's progress together!

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
After cooking (UP)
Finished pratice exams (cooking ) , we (me+myfriend) on the way tirza house. There we cook the rest of the practice. Hmm yummy. But i not take pic food. Wait..... before I post this, I ve post Tirza home. And there we met again with his sister. Zaneta (his name). She very very cute ;) . We take some pic with her.
thanks for today guys!
Minggu, 03 Juni 2012
#np Glee Cast - Defying Gravity :')
Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules
Of someone else’s game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!
Something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules
Of someone else’s game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!
It’s time to try
Defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
Defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
I’m through accepting limits
'cause someone says they’re so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I’ll never know!
Too long I’ve been afraid of
Losing love I guess I’ve lost
Well, if that’s love
It comes at much too high a cost!
'cause someone says they’re so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I’ll never know!
Too long I’ve been afraid of
Losing love I guess I’ve lost
Well, if that’s love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I’d sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!
I’d sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And you won’t bring me down!
...bring me down!
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