Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
Manusia Setengah Salmon by @radityadika
Sejauh ini yang paling gue inget tentang buku ini adalah pas di Gramedia @SMS-nya. Waktu itu gue baru aja pengen minta nyokap beliin satu buku, ya Manusia Setengah Salmon ini, pas gue ngehampirin nyokap gue, ternyata adek gue udah minta beliin 4 buku.
"Mah, ini gak adil mah! Aku baru satu buku, masa' dia udah 4 buku!?"
Yang jelas, pas buku ini udah resmi jadi milik gue, gue sadar. Dari semua novelnya Raditya Dika, kekurangannya cuma satu. Covernya. Yah tapi kan orang bilang don't judge a book from its cover, jadi gue lupakan covernya dan gue baca bukunya.
Bab yang paling berhasil bikin gue dapet tatapan ini-anak-kenapa-sih dari nyokap gue ialah Ledakan Paling Merdu, Bakar Saja Keteknya sama Lebih Baik Sakit Hati.
Berkat bab Ledakan Paling Merdu, gue bersyukur bokap gue gak pernah ikutan Merpati Putih ato apalah itu. Here's the funniest part from my opinion:
Sampe sekarang gue gak ngerti apa bagusnya bunyi kentut itu. Mungkin karena gue bukan bokapnya Raditya Dika, ato mungkin karena gue bukan orang Batak... Entahlah. Yang jelas, bagian itu berhasil bikin gue ngakak.
Nah, kalo bab Bakar Saja Keteknya,... Ini lebih parah lagi efek ketawanya. Apalagi yang pas bagian si Sugiman bilang bunga bangke dibakar biar baunya ilang... sama yang dia make deodoran sebelom tidur. Gue ketawa sendiri... Untung pas gue bacanya lagi di tempat umum, kalo enggak gue udah ngakak guling-guling... Bener-bener dah si Sugiman. Congratulations, lo udah bikin gue bangga :') *eh*
Lebih Baik Sakit Hati. Iya sih, gue setuju sama Raditya Dika. Emang lebih baik sakit hati daripada sakit gigi, dan orang yang bilang lebih baik sakit hati pasti belom pernah ke dokter gigi. Dan berkat bab ini jugalah gue semakin gak pengen pake behel. Nyokap gue udah pernah nawarin pake behel, dari awal gue emang gak mau sih, tapi begitu baca bab ini... Tambah gak mau dan gak akan pernah mau.
Mau baca berapa kalipun, gue pasti ketawa baca yang itu... Duh, kalo gue yang ngalamin mah malu-maluin banget -___- tapi keren deh, keren. Pengalaman yang keren :p
Masuk bab Penggalauan, ada satu yang ngena banget sama gue.
Kalimat inilah yang bikin gue gak nyesel udah beli
Jaya terus yah, Bang Dika! Novel barunya ditunggu :)
#27122011 | 15:01
Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Kau Tak Tahu, Aku Rindu!
Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Merry Christmas 2011! :)
Yap! Gak sia-sia gue melongo di depan laptop +/- 10 menit cuma buat nungguin tanggal 25. Yah, pokoknya Merry Christmas yaaa, kado Natalnya ditunggu :')
#25122011 | 0:03
Celana Bolong
Christmas Eve
Minggu, 11 Desember 2011
4 Ways to Start Preparing for 2012
The bottom line is this...
All of us are better than we give ourselves credit for being. We have more promise, insight, skill and talent than we show. We allow ourselves to become trapped in routines that limit us. We barely fight to escape. What are some things you can do TODAY to help propel yourself into a new level? I've got some ideas. They are a little random. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
1. Get a coach or join a mastermind group. It's always great to have someone or a group to bounce your ideas off of. I've found it invaluable to just be able to hear myself talk out loud about my hopes, dreams and plans. I've got one coming up. Get in touch with me. I might be able to help. Many people fail to progress because all of their ideas live only in their own heads. Never shared. Never refined. Never acted upon. It's a shame.
2. Read a book. I know. I know. EVERYBODY reads a book a day! Whenever I say this, people always respond telling me how much they're reading. I get it. Nobody wants to admit they've not picked up a book since they got out of school. Still. I've noticed so many of my biggest shifts in life when I've recommitted myself to reading and study. So much so that I always ask myself "Mark, why don't you do this more often?"
3. Sit down and think. Dream. Just get somewhere quiet and think about who you want to be and where you want to go. What's really on your heart? What are you afraid of admitting to yourself? Write these things down in a journal if you have one or just on a notepad. Writing makes things real. Find someone positive and supportive with whom to share your thoughts. They can help hold you accountable and encouraged.
4. Take some action NOW! Do something. Do anything. Find something from your list of dreams and hopes and start working on it today. Make a commitment to yourself to no longer be stuck in delay, delay, delay mode. I've been there myself. I know what it's like to feel paralyzed in "potential" mode. What you have to decide is that it's worth it to simply start somewhere, even if it isn't where you want to start. Progress breeds progress.
As we prepare for 2012, you'll here a ton of talks and speeches and sermons about how 2012 is going to be YOUR YEAR! I believe that for you, too! I am a huge believer in using special dates on the calendar to usher in change. I'm just asking you to start writing, start finding support structures, put in the labor of thinking and commit to taking action so more of your talk turns into actions and those actions can turn into results.
The bottom line is I believe you are ready to break out and I'm going to keep cheering you on until you do!
Your Words Shape Your Life!
"I expect to be playing Aledo for the State Championship on December 17 at Noon in Cowboys Stadium." ~Manvel HS Head Coach when interviewed about his preseason expectations for the Mavericks in June...before school had started...before ANYONE had played any games. This weekend at Noon, they are playing Aledo for the State Championship in football
"One day I'm going to sell out Madison Square Garden." ~ Five year old Justin Bieber
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." ~Proverbs 18:21
I want you to seriously think about what you've been saying lately. What direction are your words carrying you? I can assure you they are taking you somewhere. But are you happy with that direction? You have to learn to speak to your own future.
How does "speaking it" work? Does your tongue hold some kind of mysterious power to shape your entire world? Can you "make" people do what you say? Well, to a degree, I believe so! I believe our words have creative force to bend and shape expectations and circumstances and greatly influence even other people who hear us. It's not magic. People still have free will. You still have to work to manifest most of the things you want. But it's about using your language to craft expectations...which leads to outcomes.
If you're always setting your dreams and goals out there in front of people, you will attract people who will want to help. People will treat you the way you expect to be treated.
Second, and most important, your words will shape YOUR OWN attitudes, expectations and actions. As you start to speak, you will expect more, press yourself harder and look for more opportunities and open doors. As you begin to speak to your future, you'll become less satisfied with the mediocrity of your present. You will be changing yourself from the inside - and the manifestations will begin show on the outside.
It's like Zig Ziglar says...positive words won't make everything possible, but they will make more things possible than negative words will! So don't be afraid to "declare it" because, until you do, it's likely what you really want to see manifested will never appear.
Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveBIGDieEmpty
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markanthonymccray/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103149858138414160703/posts
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/markanthonymccray
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/markmccray/
Click HERE for information on Mark as a speaker or presenter and HERE to learn about coaching programs to help you realize your potential and live more prosperously!
Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
Serupa tapi tak sama
Bagaimana saudara-saudari? Memang serupa tapi tak sama bukan? Eaa wkwk :p |
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Karakter berdasarkan Golongan Darah
- Biasanya orang yang bergolongan darah A ini berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool, bahasa kerennya.
- Orang yang bergolongan darah A ini mempunyai karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala.
- Sebelum melakukan sesuatu mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu. Dan merencanakan segala sesuatunya secara matang. Mereka mengerjakan segalanya dengan sungguh-sungguh dan secara konsisten.
- Mereka berusaha membuat diri mereka se wajar dan ideal mungkin.
- Mereke bisa kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang-orang.
- mereka mencoba menekan perasaan mereka dan karena sering melakukannya mereka terlihat tegar. Meskipun sebenarnya mereka mempunya sisi yang lembek seperti gugup dan lain sebagainya.
- Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tidak sependapat. Makanya mereka cenderung berada di sekitar orang-orang yang ber’temperamen’ sama.
- Orang yang bergolongan darah B ini cenderung penasaran dan tertarik terhadap segalanya.
- Mereka juga cenderung mempunyai terlalu banyak kegemaran dan hobby. Kalau sedang suka dengan sesuatu biasanya mereka menggebu-gebu namun cepat juga bosan.
- Tapi biasanya mereka bisa memilih mana yang lebih penting dari sekian banyak hal yang di kerjakannya.
- Mereka cenderung ingin menjadi nomor satu dalam berbagai hal ketimbang hanya dianggap rata-rata. Dan biasanya mereka cenderung melalaikan sesuatu jika terfokus dengan kesibukan yang lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka tidak bisa mengerjakan sesuatu secara berbarengan.
- Mereka dari luar terlihat cemerlang, riang, bersemangat dan antusias. Namun sebenarnya hal itu semua sama sekali berbeda dengan yang ada didalam diri mereka.
- Mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai orang yang tidak ingin bergaul dengan banyak orang.
- Orang yang bergolongan darah O, mereka ini biasanya berperan dalam menciptakan gairah untuk suatu grup. Dan berperan dalam menciptakan suatu keharmonisan diantara para anggota grup tersebut.
- Figur mereka terlihat sebagai orang yang menerima dan melaksakan sesuatu dengan tenang. Mereka pandai menutupi sesuatu sehingga mereka kelihatan selalu riang, damai dan tidak punya masalah sama sekali. Tapi kalau tidak tahan, mereka pasti akan mencari tempat atau orang untuk curhat (tempat mengadu).
- Mereka biasanya pemurah (baik hati), senang berbuat kebajikan. Mereka dermawan dan tidak segan-segan mengeluarkan uang untuk orang lain.
- Mereka biasanya di cintai oleh semua orang, “loved by all”. Tapi mereka sebenarnya keras kepala juga, dan secara rahasia mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri tentang berbagai hal.
- Dilain pihak, mereka sangat fleksibel dan sangat mudah menerima hal-hal yang baru.
- Mereka cenderung mudah di pengaruhi oleh orang lain dan oleh apa yang mereka lihat dari TV.
- Mereka terlihat berkepala dingin dan terpercaya tapi mereka sering tergelincir dan membuat kesalahan yang besar karena kurang berhati-hati. Tapi hal itu yang menyebabkan orang yang bergolongan darah O ini di cintai.
- Orang yang bergolongan darah AB ini mempunyai perasaan yang sensitif, lembut.
- Mereka penuh perhatian dengan perasaan orang lain dan selalu menghadapi orang lain dengan kepedulian serta kehati-hatian.
- Disamping itu mereka keras dengan diri mereka sendiri juga dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya.
- Mereka jadi cenderung kelihatan mempunyai dua kepribadian.
- Mereka sering menjadi orang yang sentimen dan memikirkan sesuatu terlalu dalam.
- Mereka mempunyai banyak teman, tapi mereka membutuhkan waktu untuk menyendiri untuk memikirkan persoalan-persoalan mereka.
Sumber: http://wong168.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/character-based-on-blood-type/
Kata om Mario
Janganlah menelantarkan yang telah kau miliki, hanya karena yang kau inginkan lebih baik daripadanya.
Sesuatu yang megah tapi yang belum kau miliki, tidak bisa mengalahkan kesederhanaan yang telah kau miliki.
Syukurilah apa pun yang telah ada padamu.
Kesederhanaan yang kau syukuri, adalah pembuka aliran nikmat Tuhan yang lebih besar lagi.
Mario Teguh
Rabu, 30 November 2011
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
Hey, listen to what we're not saying
Let's play, a different game than what we're playing
Try, to look at me and really see my heart
Do you expect me to believe I'm gonna let us fall apart?
I can feel, I can feel you near me
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
So go and think about whatever you need to think about
Go on and dream about whatever you need to dream about
And come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel
I can feel, I can feel you near me, even though you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
Kamis, 24 November 2011
Rabu, 23 November 2011
Aku Ingin Memelukmu :')
Walau rengkuhan jarak itu tak pernah mengizinkan kita bertemu
Aku ingin memelukmu
Walau jemari kita belum saling menggenggam sampai detik ini
Aku ingin memelukmu
Walau kita belum saling tahu dan bertemu
Aku ingin memelukmu
Walau tinggi badanmu jauh diatasku
Aku ingin memelukmu
Saat kamu kelelahan menjalani riuhnya aktivitas
Saat kamu rapuh dan menangis
Saat kamu merasa bahwa dunia terlalu keras untuk kau jalani sendiri
Saat kamu mengira tak seorangpun yang peduli pada perasaanmu
Aku ingin memelukmu
Saat pertama kali aku membuka mata dari tidur lelapku
Saat hanya kamu yang kulihat dibangun pagi hariku
Aku ingin memelukmu
Di bawah hangatnya sinar mentari pagi
Di bawah teriknya surya yang meradang garang
Di bawah redupnya matahari kala senja
Di bawah sinar rembulan dengan hiasan bintang dilangitnya
Aku ingin memelukmu
Saat angin dengan nakalnya menggelitikmu dan meniup lembut rambutmu
Aku ingin memelukmu
Saat rindu mengganggu laju kerja otak dan hatimu
Aku ingin memelukmu
Saat langit sedang menenun benang-benang hujan
Lalu kita saling berpeluk dibawah deras rindunya
Hanya berpayung rambut basah dengan balutan senyum bahagia
Sungguh, aku mencintaimu
Aku ingin memelukmu, sampai Tuhan memeluk kita :)
ini CINTA!
Aku Ingin Menjadi Teman Sebangkumu
Menikmati indahmu dari sudut rahasiaku
Memperhatikan bahasa tubuhmu
Melamun dan menyorot pandangan lurus ke arahmu
Melihatmu yang tekantuk-kantuk kala itu
Mengartikan mata bulatmu yang mengatup malu-malu
Hingga kepalamu menunduk mengantuk
Aku hanya menutup mulutku yang tersenyum kecil melihat tingkahmu
Seandainya saat itu aku disampingmu
Aku pasti bisa menikmati raut wajah mengantukmu
Seandainya saat itu aku menjadi teman sebelahmu
Aku mungkin bisa menyadarkanmu dari rasa kantuk itu
Aku akan meremas bahumu dan menyuruhmu kembali memperhatikan guru yang mulutnya hampir berbusa di depan
Aku disini
disudut yang tak kau ketahui
Aku cemburu pada teman yang duduk disebelahmu itu
Dia bisa terus-menerus menikmati senyummu
Dia bisa terus menerus menyentuh kulitmu
Andai aku disampingmu
Kau pasti akan mengajakku berbicara
Kau pasti mengajakku bertukar pikiran
Kau pasti mengenalku
Kau pasti menatapku
Aku ingin menjadi teman sebangkumu
Selasa, 22 November 2011
How Deeply Did You Look? by Richard "Big Rich" Evans
I remember when my daughter was several years younger she would always mention to me that she felt that I was not dating the right type of woman for who she saw me as being. Her comment was that I tended to date big women when in her eyes I was much too attractive for that. I always told her that when I set out to find someone I never worried as much about how they were built as much as I was concerned about how they treated me and mine.
I have come to realize that America has tried to brainwash people into what mainstream society considers to be important. Never mind that not every woman has long legs, a short torso, is thin and has amazing curves and looks. Now I am certain that if given enough time and money, almost any woman could acquire some of those things, but that defies the laws the nature. We did not all come out of the womb perfect and to be honest, that was by design. If we lived in a land of utopia and every person was gorgeous, would that really improve the quality of life? Would poverty, hunger, racism and sexism end because everyone was pretty? I think not.
So for me, I was never the one to get caught up on her body type as long as she had curves. Was not one to get that deep into looks as long as she was not hideous. So in other words, an average woman by societies standards who happened to have great personality and ability was perfect for me.
Too often now, we want a woman/man to look and act a certain way and to have certain things. Oftentimes, we do not have the companion components to what we want. So if the person we are wanting has all the things we want but yet they do not see any of what they want in us, NOTHING is happening.
Now I am not saying that I want everyone to run out and search for average or to even be content with average. No, average works only with certain things and those that are average have to be above average in other areas. But if we ourselves are average and not above average in some areas, we need to do a self assessment.
Look beyond the body, the height and the face. Look towards the personality, the heart and the mind of others. After all, looks are what can get you shot dead in the streets, but your personality may just keep you alive.
Tak terkatakan
Dikutip dari label Fika
Senin, 21 November 2011
#dearSomeone 22.11.11
Kenapa sih, lu selalu ngeliriknya ke arah dia? Mendingan ke gue aja.
Gue selalu ada di deket lu, tapi kenapa yang lu cari malah dia? Ngapain lu jauh-jauh nyari dia kalo gue ada di sini?
Gue selalu ada di deket lu, tapi kenapa yang ada di pikiran lu malah dia? Ngapain lu susah-susah mikirin orang yang gak mikirin elu?
Eh, tapi gue bego juga yah. Gue mikirin elo terus, padahal gue tau lu gak mungkin mikirin gue :')
Yah, pokoknya gue gak ngerti jalan pikiran lu, nyet.
Ga pake judul
kaulah alasanku untuk kuat,
kaulah alasanku tetap tegar,
kaulah alasanku menerima berbagai pahit kenyataan dalam hidup.
Kaulah alasanku mensyukuri hidup
karena aku bisa bertemu dengan seseorang sepertimu
Kau hebat, kau indah
Kau nyaris sempurna
Tapi tahukah engkau?
Meski aku begini, meski aku tak sesempurna dirimu
Meski aku selalu ingin terlihat kuat
hatiku tak sekuat itu.
Hatiku sama rapuhnya dengan serpihan es,
yang bisa remuk sewaktu-waktu,
yang bisa mencair perlahan-lahan.
Dan ketahuilah,
bahwa hatiku
menyayangimu lebih dari yang kau tahu,
mengagumimu lebih dari yang kau bayangkan.
Satu lagi!
hatiku terlalu indah untuk kausakiti,
jadi berhentilah menyakiti hatiku!
Sabtu, 19 November 2011
Can't Help Falling In Love With You #20112011
#20112011 (Galau Pagi)
Okheeeeyyy? |
Captured by Fika |
Selasa, 15 November 2011
Too Many *!@#$^& Friends!!!
Is it time to clean up your "Friends" list?
It was for me. I finally got to the point where Facebook was stopping me from "liking" any more pages, accepting any more friends. Basically, I was in social media jail! If you can't even join YOUR OWN new page, you've got too many connections! If were to Unlike my favorite page for any reason, I couldn't add it back. It was time for me to clean house. Maybe it is for you, too? Here's how I approached it!
The first thing I chose to do is eliminate business, ministry and "cause" pages so that I'm focused more on relating to actual people. You'll be surprised how many untended pages you might be connected to. Also, when you go through your list you'll see a lot of people have duplicate profiles. Housecleaning was much needed for me! I had sent Friend Requests to so many people with cute faces that I would never meet, wasn't interested in meeting and often didn't even speak English.
I went through a phase where I "friended" and accepted requests from almost ANYBODY. I guess I felt like I was getting my name out there. You may have done the same. The funny thing is this: my connections with real people have exploded over the last several days after doing a little bit of housecleaning. That means I was probably missing some real connections in the cluttler of my newsfeed and pages.
There are studies out there that say we can only truly manage 150 online relationships anyway. Therefore, the focus should be on building the best, most fruitful, most fulfilling 150 we can!! That's my new goal...wonderful relationships with more of the right people!
Minggu, 13 November 2011
Walking Funny
I was out looking at real estate recently. The agent was walking me to look at condos but she had a funny way of walking. As I followed behind her, I found her extremely difficult to follow because she kind of stopped and started and even swung her legs in a way that it looked like she was about to change directions. To say it was frustrating would be an understatement! I am a naturally fast walker. I almost ran over her at least twice! She had said the unit was towards the back of the property but didn't tell me where. I wasn't sure where we were going or I might have gone ahead or walked in front.
Imagine trying to follow or even walk with someone when you aren't sure what direction they're going even moment to moment? I'm still mad thinking about it. I never called her back if I'm honest about it. I really don't want to deal with that stress. Maybe I'm making too much of it, but you weren't there!
Anyway, here's the point to my true story: do the people around you - those relying upon you for direction - know what direction you're going? Do you look like you're going one way and then swing back the other at the last second? Do people even know your intended destination? If not, they might be feeling pretty frustrated right now. I'm sure they love you, so they aren't mad. They might even want to help you get there. But they have a hard time when you're walking funny instead of walking straight.
Sabtu, 12 November 2011
Hidup Matiku
#dearSomeone 12.11.11
Rabu, 09 November 2011
My Motivation
Here's part of my own motivation. I talk a lot about what I believe to be God's calling and imprint on our lives...mine included. However, let me live up to what I tweeted recently and be even more honest and transparent. I want my children to know me as a man who always did the most he could with what he had. I don't want them to feel like I wasted opportunity or money or life. Further, I want them to see me as a living example - an epistle, if you will - to which they can aspire.
I chose an entrepreneurial path because I wanted them to see that as an option for their own lives. That motivated me to launch out when my oldest daughter was around four years old. I didn't want my daughters to have any recollection of their father doing anything except diligently maximizing his time and opportunities - for better or worse. That's pretty much the bottom line.
Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. Much of it may not be for me! Still, I never wanted them to know me as a man who gave up or settled. No settling! Not ever! I have often felt like I've failed my girls as a man and father. Perhaps other parents have felt the same way? It probably comes with the territory. I don't know. What I do know is I want them to know me as a man who gave all he had - every day.
That's my motivation.