Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Some Great Books You Might Have Missed...

Previously, I posted a set of book recommendations for entrepreneurs and achievers. Since I was asked for more recently, I am posting this update. Here are three more books that I feel will add a lot to your life and enhance your success!

By Malcolm Gladwell

This amazing book has itself become an embodiment of how an idea can take off and spread like a virus with the right kind of nurture. Among my circle of friends and business associates, this book has been mentioned or quoted dozens of times over the course of the last few months. Each reference has lead to another person purchasing or borrowing the book and then converting into a Malcolm Gladwell disciple.

Haven’t you heard people talk about “reaching a tipping point” or “searching for a tipping point” for their business or career? Pick up a copy of this book and find out what they mean and how the concepts inside it can help you and your business. See? I am adding to the Gladwell virus!

By Reginald F. Lewis

The first time I heard of this book, I was a little stunned by the title. After all, what is more controversial than race in our society? If an author is daring enough to overlay racial issues with business, the ante is raised even higher.

However, I discovered that this book is really for anyone who wasn’t born into the “Ole Boys’ Network.” In other words, if you feel as if you face obstacles to reaching your goals that you feel others haven’t had to face, this book is for you. This inspiring story outlines steps that a smart kid from the wrong side of the tracks took to becoming one of the wealthiest men in America before his untimely death. Before he died, Reginald F. Lewis had become the first African American billionaire and, almost by definition, he had earned the right to teach the rest of us a thing – or three or four – about business.

This is a great book. I still use it as inspiration whenever I need a boost or just a little encouragement.

By Dale Carnegie

Written in 1936, it is an unusual book that has stood the test of time, changes in the business landscape and countless waves of business fads and trends. After all, the estimated over fifteen million people who have read this book can’t be wrong. Can they?

“This book was designed with professionals in mind, and designed to help professional people do better in business by helping them make social contacts and improve their speaking skills” says one reviewer. I say that the principals taught in this book deserve credit for some of the best successes I’ve ever had.

If you add this one to your library, you will learn:
 The six ways to make people like you
 The twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
 The nine ways to change people without arousing resentment
Does it sound too manipulative? Don’t be so judgmental. As business executives and professionals, we spend most of our business lives trying to compel people to our points of view. Carnegie just outlines how we can be more effective – and maintain the highest standards of character and integrity!

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