Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Things I want to do in 2013.

I have so many things I want to do in this new year, of course. I can't tell all of it, but maybe I can write some of it that I still remember now. 
  • Be very good at cooking. But if I can't be 'very good', 'good' is okay. 
  • Be a better best-friend for my best-friends. 
  • Be a better friend for my friends. 
  • Be a better student for my teachers.
  • Be a better daughter for my parents. 
  • Be a better older sister for my younger sister.
  • Be a better gf for my bf, and of course long-lasting relationship with him :') 
  • Do all of my school projects (homeworks, tests, exercises, exams) carefully.
  • Have a great score for my national exam! 
  • Make my own dish for him on Valentine Day :3
  • Able to speak English well!
  • Not skip go to church weekly anymore. 
  • Clean my room once a week (I want to, but I don't think I will do... You know, lazy girl)
  • Have a slimmer body!
  • Throw out all of worthless things in my room. 
  • Spend my money wisely.
  • Find something worth to do. 
  • Childish less.
  • Talk and listen politely.
  • Be tolerant, not to get angry easily. 
  • Be more girly. Maybe. I think he would like it if I do... 
  • Be forever young! :p
  • Last but not the least. BE AN INDEPENDENT LADY! Woohoo!
I think it's enough for now. Not because I have nothing I want to do anymore, I just can't think about it. I have so many of it, but I forget some... 
Still wishing for a blessed new year... And I hope I can do all of my list above :')

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013!

Happy New Year 2013! \(´▽`)/
Gak berasa. Ternyata udah 2013 yah. Hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm. 
Tahun 2013 udah berlangsung 12 jam. Oke, hebat. Yaudah. 

Tahun 2012, banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak banget kenangan indah dan unyu-unyu yang nggak tergantikan ihks :') banyak hal yang nggak bisa diulang lagi, banyak hal yang bakalan gue kangenin seumur hidup. Entah itu sama keluarga, sama temen-temen gue, ato mungkin sama yang itu tuh, ituuuu (?) kenangannya terlalu banyak ihks ._. nggak cuma yang unyu aja, tapi yang galau membahana badai sampe bikin nangis bombai juga banyak. Tapiiii, ambil positifnya kawan. Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu ihks :') ini saatnya kita memulai lembaran baru! ;)

Dari 2012, ke 2013. Entah kenapa rasanya baru kemaren gue imlekan pas Januari 2012, dapet angpao, ehhhh sebentar lagi mau dapet lagiii. Mueeehehheheheeee щ(º▽ºщ) tapi bukan itu intinya. Oke, walaupun itu menggiurkan, bukan itu intinya.
Tahun baru, semangat baru, pribadi baru, pengalaman baru, kenangan baru, (maunya sih) laptop baru, (kepengennya mah) iPad baru, kemudian pacar baru. Automatically, semuanya baru. Kecuali yang pribadi baru itu ;;) semangat, pengalaman, dan kenangan pasti bakalan kebentuk dengan sendirinya, tapi kalo pribadi baru... Butuh usaha juga kawan ;) jadi ayo kita bikin pribadi baru yuuk ._. yang lebih kece getoh. Tapi yang positif lho ya :|

Dan gue berharap, semoga di tahun 2013, gue bisa bikin lebih banyak kenangan indaaaahhhhh cetar membahana badai halilintar bareng keluarga gue, bareng temen-temen gue, juga sama yang itu tuh, ituuuu. Semoga gue bisa jadi gue yang lebih baiiikkssss, yang lebih keceeee, yang lebih membanggakan (งˆヮˆ)ง dan pastinyaaaa, buat seluruh umat manusia yang hidup di seluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuruh dunia, wishing you a blessed new year... ( ื▿ ื∫ƪ)

Farewell, 2012. I'm gonna miss you :')

"10 Ways to Live BIGGER in 2013"

If you missed my broadcast of "10 Ways to Live BIGGER in 2013" you missed a treat! Remember to subscribe to get access to the entire broadcast here! It will bless your life! As referenced on the coaching call, I have put together a reading list for you, too, called "12 Books That Will Change Your Life" for the call. Check it out! "Leaders are readers!

Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful.  Comments?  Please share them below!

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012 :)

Plants vs. Zombies! ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Plants vs. Zombieeesss ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Tau Plants vs. Zombies kan? Tau kan? Tau dong? Tau laaahhh. 
Game yang satu ini selain bisa dimainin di PC, juga ada di iPad, iPhone, Android, PS3, sama xBox juga ada. Banyak dah, emang yang bikin maruk sih ._. *kemudian dilempar terong* ampun bang ._. 

Diliat dari judulnya aja, nenek-nenek lagi sikat gigi sambil bersihin toilet juga tau kalo game ini tentang tanaman lawan zombie, jadi nggak usah dijelasin lagi. 
Buat yang udah pernah main game ini, pasti udah tau serunya kayak apa ini game (งˆヮˆ)ง meskipun muka zombienya kadang-kadang bikin pengen nabok monitor, tapi kalo udah liat si sunflowernya yang unyu-unyuuuuhhhh, pasti gajadi nabok dah :D 

Ini bukti gue main Plant vs. Zombies. Liat namanya. Christy. Muehehehe ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)
Sebenernya udah lama gue namatin nih game. Sepeleee gitu yah adventure-nya. Mueeheheheheheee. Udah gue tamatin sampe tiga kali. Mau empat kali, masih setengah jalan. Tuh liat, baru nyampe Level 3-8. Belom gue lanjutin lagi karena lagi sibuk battle sama survivalnya ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ) sekalinya gue lagi niat survival, Gargantuar tewas dengan mengenaskan di tangan gue. Muehehehe (σ`Д´)σ lhooo, nggak tau Gargantuar apaan yah? Bukan merek sikat toilet ato pembasmi nyamuk loh. Entar dikasih tau :D 

Almanac - Plants. Udah lengkap doooong punya akuuuuh.
Sejak main Plant vs. Zombies, yang gue tau, almanac itu... Ya kayak gitu. Kumpulan informasi. Tapi kalo misalkan lu cari artinya di ato sebagainya, kayaknya artinya bakalan beda ._. 

Dari sekian banyak tanaman yang udah pernah gue dapetin dan gue pake, yang sejak awal selalu bikin gue gemes itu si Sunflower. Tanaman kedua yang diajarin buat kita pake setelah Peashooter. 

Goyang kiri. Goyang kanan. Lucuuuu :3
Selain sunflower, tanaman yang enak diliat itu si Twin Sunflower. Sodaranya Sunflower. 

Nggak goyang kiri. Nggak goyang kanan. Tapi tetep lucuuuu :3
Sayang banget gue nggak nemu yang versi .gif-nya. Padahal kalo ketemu kan bisa goyang dombret juga kayak adeknya tuh yang goyang-goyang :

Nggak cuma mereka berdua doang yang bikin gue gemes, tapi Cattail juga :3

Cattail. Selain imut, functional juga :D
Yap, functional banget. Senjatanya dia ya buntutnya itu, buntutnya ngeluarin spikes, daaaannnn dia nggak cuma nyerang satu baris aja. Tapi semua barisss (งˆヮˆ)ง

Melon-pult. Kerjaannya ngelempar semangka.
Melon-pult juga keren. Emang sih, harganya mahal... Tapi kalo make dia, zombienya pada cepet mati. Seenggaknya lebih cepet daripada kalo pake Gatling Pea. Gatling Pea kalo nggak pake Torchwood kurang mantep juga :p

Sekian dulu tentang tanamannya. Kalo dilanjutin bisa sampe besok. 
Sekarang, zombienya. 
Almanac - Zombies. Udah lengkap dengan Zombie Yeti-nya :D
Walaupun rese, kerjanya makanin tanaman, ngincer otak yang punya rumah (buat dimakan. Yah, namanya juga zombie), datengnya keroyokan, dan sama sekali nggak ganteng, tapi ada beberapa zombie yang lucu juga tampilannya. 

Balloon Zombie. Kayak anak bocah.
Balloon Zombie! Zombie yang satu ini licik dan picik. Sementara temen-temennya berjuang dengan jalan kaki, dia pake balon. Tidak bisa diterima. Tapi balonnya itulah daya tariknya. Balonnya bikin lucu, udah gitu topinya dipasangin baling-baling bambu Doraemon pula..

Zombie Yeti. Putih.
Gue mau nyariin gambar yang gedenya, pada pecah. Maklum, ternyata selain langka di game-nya, juga langka di gugel. Yap, Zombie Yeti ini jarang banget muncul. Orang bilang sih biasanya selalu muncul di Level 4-10, tapi entahlah. Gue nggak pernah ngafalin kapan aja ini bocah muncul. Gue juga nggak tau ini zombie lucunya dimana, tapi... Lucu aja :3

Nah, itu tadi zombie-zombie yang kece. Kalo yang suka ngajak ribut, yah... 

Digger Zombie. Udah jelek, curang pula.
Zombie yang ini, sama deh kayak si Balloon Zombie. Licik dan picik. Sementara temen-temennya berjuang dengan jalan kaki, dia lewat bawah tanah. Curang sangat, bukan. Jadinya dia bisa ngabisin tanaman yang udah lu tanem dari sisi kiri. Curang. Sangat. 

Jack-in-the-box Zombie. Bisa meledak.
Yah, aneh kan. Judulnya Jack-in-the-box Zombie, tapi bisa meledak. Ledakannya dateng dari jack-in-the-box-nya, kalo kotaknya sampe kebuka... Yah. SPROING!!! begitulah bunyinya kalo jack-in-the-box-nya meledak. Dan ledakannya itu bisa ikut bikin tanaman yang deket-deket dia jadi ilang. Sialan bukan :|

Gargantuar. Besar, galak, dan besaaaaarr.
Ini nih Gargantuar yang gue maksud di awal tadi. Gargantuar ini... Sadis. Kalo zombie biasa, kalo jalannya dihalangin tanaman, makanannya dimakan. Lumayan makan waktu, apalagi kalo tanamannya wall-nut ato tall-nut. Tapi kalo Gargantuar... Ditindih pake tiang listrik yang dia bawa. Tuh. Dan yang dipunggungnya itu, itu namanya Imp. Imp dilempar sama Gargantuar kalo dia udah sekarat. Lemparnya juga nggak sembarang lempar. Dilemparnya ke depan, jadinya bisa makanin tanaman juga. Bener-bener yah :|

Sekian bahasan tentang zombie. Bikin enek :|

Ta-da! Present box! :D
Tiriririring. Biasanya, kalo udah bunyi begitu, biasanya ada present box yang muncul. Present box ini muncul kalo kita lagi main. Main apa aja, mau itu adventure, mini-games, ato survival. Munculnya hoki-hokian, kalo dapet ya bergembiralah. Kalo nggak dapet-dapet, yaaaa... Berusahalah.

Present box ini isinya tanaman-tanaman yang sering kita pake kalo lagi main. Tapi gunanya bukan buat dipake pas lagi main, tapi buat dirawat di Zen Garden. Zen Garden ituuuu, semacam tempat buat kita ngerawat tanaman-tanaman yang kita dapet dari present box itu. Zen Garden bisa didapetin kalo udah namatin adventure satu kali. Dan hunting present box ini udah jadi hobi. Mumpung Zen Garden gue belom penuh :3

Here's my Zen Garden ;)

Zen Garden.

Mushroom Garden. Ini masuk kategori Zen Garden juga, bedanya, di sini tempatnya tumbuhan malem. Kalo di Zen Garden yang biasa, dia bobo. Jadinya nggak bisa gede. Harus di sini.
Yah, sekian dulu yah tentang Plants vs. Zombies. 
Dadah. Jangan kangen loh. Dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Twelve Books That Will Change Your Life

I am often asked about the books that I've read or am reading. Glad to help! Harry S. Truman - "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." Straight to the point, then, are twelve books that I think can change your life!

1. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell - This is one book I wish had been written and I had read years and years ago.  Truly remarkable!  I've recommended this book to dozens.

2. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason - Money management and mentality management using a timeless storytelling technique.  A must-read!

3. His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage by Dr. Willard Harley - The title kind of says it all.  Phenomenal book that is real and not at all judgmental.

4. The Sales Monster by Mark Anthony McCray - I am biased to include this one, but I've seen so many business owners and entrepreneurs struggle with this one fundamental aspect of business - asking for the money!

5. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie - Every person of influence is a leader whether they want to be or not.  This book teaches you how to be responsible in your leadership.

6. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - This isn't what most people think.  It's actually based on ethics more than you might have imagined.  It has suffered from decades of misquoting and misinterpretations.

7. Abraham Lincoln by James McPherson.  - President Lincoln was a truly transcendent figure in the history of the world.  Clearly.  He also successfully handled any number of personal and interpersonal challenges along his way in life.  Worth reading.

8. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - It's about the journey and the person you become along the way.  Don't think this book is about greed.  It's really about YOU.

9. The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley - Along with The Millionaire Next Door, these are fantastic reads.  I like "The Millionaire Mind" a little more because the author includes the practical steps and thought patterns up-and-coming millionaires employed during their rises.

10. You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best Negotiator Tells You How to Get What You Want by Herb Cohen - This man is FUNNY and really makes you think about how the game of negotiation is played so that EVERYBODY wins.

11. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki You have to read this before you read The Cashflow Quandrant.  So, really, I'm recommending both! It is the Cashflow Quadrant that I think is truly brilliant.

12. Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others by John Maxwell - I recommend John Maxwell because he writes from a spiritual perspective without clubbing you over the head.  Good man.  You'll like him if you don't know him yet.

Why twelve? Because twelve gives you a book per month for 2013 and will help ensure it is your best year ever!!

Can you think of any that I missed?

Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful.  Comments?  Please share them below!

Quit Quitting!

I love this graphic because so often quitting is about the same as hurting yourself in an attempt to hurt somebody else!  It is both funny and tragic how often the advice people give is "QUIT!" these days when they see someone facing challenges.  If you stop and think about it, running has never solved many of your problems. When you run, you bring your issues with you. When you take your time and deal with your problems, they stay dealt with.

If you are facing intense challenges and every instinct says "LEAVE!" check yourself and get some wise counsel first. WISE counsel. I try to surround myself with people who instead answer "Be encouraged!", "Hang in there!", "I'll pray with you." or things like that.

Quitting is a spirit. It doesn't live here where I am. The "Spirit of Quit" has infected America, but I'm free of it and will never be bound!  Again, I'm not saying you should stubbornly stay involved in every relationship, job or situation you're in.  To paraphrase my pastor, Thaddeus Eastland, I'm not saying don't leave.  I'm saying don't run!

Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful.  Comments?  Please share them below!

5 Ways to Recharge Your Batteries

Everyone feels run down from time to time. That's normal. Burnout occurs when you don't recharge. That's not good at all.  I was in that place coming into the week.  Just tired and feeling like I needed a little break.  If you stay in that place too long, it can lead to feelings of depression.  Unfortunately, I know that, too, by experience.

Even more, I think it's important to come into a new year with a full tank of gas in your tank.  If you're feeling a little depleted coming out of the last couple of holidays, here are some excellent ways to recharge...

1. Help somebody else with their problems.  I've found one of the best ways to get refreshed is to focus on refreshing somebody else.  Sometimes you're feeling run down because you're focused only on your world and your own challenges.  Get outside of yourself.

2. Travel.  See the world through different eyes.  You don't need an airplane to do this.  Drive to work by a different path.  Explore neighborhoods you've never visited within your own city.  Eat at a new restaurant.  There are tons of ways to broaden your perspective.  I find that when I do this, I always get new energy!

3. Get some new ideas.  Invite somebody you don't know very well to breakfast or coffee for conversation.  Ask them questions.  Listen.  It can shock your senses!  Reading does this, too, but I suggest getting some good old-fashioned interpersonal time with someone when you're feeling out of sorts.  I'll grant you this: If you need to retreat and get away from people, do that.  But that isn't the only option.

4. Sleep.  Americans don't sleep.  That is a big part of our problems.  We don't rest.  We don't understand the value of taking time off.  We (falsely) think pressing our bodies through all the warning signs is wise living.  It isn't.  Not close.  Make a habit of unplugging from social media, telephones, televisions and sleep.  I couldn't write a blog about being refreshed without mentioning sleep could I?  Have I beaten this point to death yet?  Take a nap!

5. Fast and pray.  I always come out of seasons of fasting looking at life differently and ready to go forward full steam ahead!!  Google the benefits of fasting.  I run across a lot of people who've never done it before.  If that is you, you are missing out!  The spiritual benefits are the most important to me.  The physical benefits are many, as well.  Honestly, it's a mind, body and soul thing.  All of "you" will be better for it.

What are your best ways to recharge? Let me know below!

Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful.  Comments?  Please share them below!

New Hairstyle (งˆヮˆ)ง

Yaaaappppssss. Setelah sekitar dua milenium dan tiga abad sekian lamanya gue gak potong rambut, akhirnya kemaren, hari Kamis tanggal 27 Desember 2012, gue potong rambut juga. 
Berikut foto before-afternya. Peringatan: hati-hati naksir *eeeehhhh* inget yang lagi jalan-jalan sama iihnya, Chris. Inget.  

Sebelum pergi ke salon (sempet-sempetnya).
Tadinya gue cuma mau mendekin aja. Gue pikir mah 10 cm mah seberapa sihhh, jadinya gue setuju-setuju aja pas nyokap bilang 10 cm. Tapi begitu selesai... Kenapa sependek ini Щ(ºДºщ)

Sepulang dari salon (sempet-sempetin lah).
Keliatan gak sih perubahannya kalo di foto? Daaaannnnn, foto yang afternya itu... Sumpah demi apa, meskipun di foto keliatannya masih panjang, tapi... Itu pendek. Pendek! Buat gue. Nggak tau dah buat saudara-saudari sekalian.
Selain potong rambut, sekalian creambath juga. Dan pas creambath itu... Kapsternya kejam. Dia mijitnya di leher, di leher Щ(ºДºщ) elu tau gak sih kalo kegiatan yang dilakukan di leher itu geliiii... Tapi gue tahan. Karena nggak berani ngomong sama kapsternya. Oke. Nasib.

Kalo mau ngucapin Merry Christmas lagi masih belom telat kan ._.

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Whenever, dear.

Whenever you’re alone,
I want to be the only one who you’re expecting to be right beside you,

like I want to be the only one who’s being right beside you when you’re alone.

Whenever you’re alone,

I want to be the only one who you’re expecting to listen what’s bothering you,

like I want to be the only one who’s listening what’s bothering you when you’re alone.

Whenever you’re alone,

I want to be the only one who you’re thinking about,

like I want to be the only one who’s exist in your mind.

Whenever you’re alone,

I’ll be there for you,

and bring your smile and laughter back.

Even if there’s nobody believing on you,

even if people says you’re the only guilty,

even if you’re right or wrong,

I’ll be the first one who accepting the way you are.