Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

"The 15-Minute Rule"

There's a very simple way to make progress when you're feeling like you have too much to do. It's called "The 15-Minute Rule" and it's simply this: ANYONE can do ANYTHING for 15 minutes!

So, now, instead of feeling overwhelmed with the enormity of the project in front of you, just your mind that you will spend 15 solid minutes on it no matter what.

The magic of this approach is three-fold:

1. You'll feel better about yourself for making progress and this will fuel more good feelings because you'll know you're getting closer to your larger goal. (You've written your goals out right? If probably need to attend my "Live BIG. Die Empty" Purpose & Empowerment Workshop on April 30!)

2. You will usually become so energized that you'll go far beyond 15 minutes. This is a great thing.

If you choose not to work beyond 15 minutes, no worries! You've moved your vision forward in some important ways. Do you see now that 15 focused minutes can change your life?

What are some of your personal productivity tips?

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