Kamis, 04 April 2013

4 Ways to Make Real Changes in Your Behavior

Lose weight?  Have better sex?  Sleep better?  Live longer?  Enjoy life more?  Wait!  You had me at better sex!

I'm reading Timothy Ferriss' The 4-Hour Body right now and it's blowing my mind!  I truly think (along with The 4-Hour Workweek) I've stumbled upon something good here.  I like the way this guy thinks.  I think you will, too, because he gets results and shows other people how to do the same.  My hero!

In the section talking about rapid weight-loss (which I am going to read and re-read, if needed) he gets into a discussion I thought I'd share with you, my friends:

4 Steps to Changing Your Behavior

1. Make it conscious. Become aware of all of your actions.  Make them public if you need to.  When it comes to losing weight, for example, his first nugget is to start taking pictures of everything you eat before you put it into your mouth and post it.  Research shows this to be even more effective than using food diaries.

2. Make it a game. Don't take it so seriously.  Make it play for you and you're more likely to keep it up.  Also, by making it a game, he suggests that you measure your activity.  Measure what?  Get the book.  The most important thing is you begin to measure something.  Measuring something is the key.   In a sales context, do you measure your prospecting activities or do you just get up and get going?  What gets measured gets done.

3. Make it competitive. Incorporate a fear of loss.  This is more powerful than a promise to gain.  It really is.  You need a tangible risk of public failure in competition with your peers.  This is the social comparison theory.  You will be spurred on by both positive examples as models and inspiration and you'll also feel better about yourself because you're not as bad as the worst person in the competition.  What if you are the worst in the bunch?  LOL  I can't help you there.

4. Make the change small and temporary.  Don't try to change everything about your life, money, business, health or relationships all at once.  Set a small, achievable goal that will get you going with a bang and build your confidence.  By "temporary" it means that you don't need to try and project the rest of your life at this time.  Just change something (anything) now.  That's all.

If you've got areas in which you're feeling a little bit (or a lot) stuck, I believe these tips can help you.  Try them.  TRY SOMETHING!  Decide on the smallest minimal change you can make an do it immediately!And then let me know the area you need change in and how it goes for you.  I want to know!

You're on your way!

Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!

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