Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Marketing for BIG Impact with small Dollars

I've been keeping a small file of marketing ideas especially for entrepreneurs and small business owners for years. Many I've used myself and some I've either seen other business owners use. All are effective and all require you to actually DO SOMETHING!! But they don't necessarily cost a lot of money. You might be surprised at how much impact you can generate for a few bucks.

Before we get going, you might want to read some of my previous blogs on marketing so you know where I'm coming from. One is called "The Ten Commandments of Marketing Yourself, Your Product or Your Services" and it will give you a baseline understanding of my philosophies regarding marketing.

Another that you'll want to check out is called "The Nine Most Powerful Words You Can Utter" and I've also written an article about using social media effectively called "Mark's 10 Be's of Social Media" and I'd love your feedback on any of them! I think there's helpful information for you. My heart goes out to the entrepreneur. Believe me. I understand the challenges of generating business from scratch!

Here's a list of some cheap, cheap tactics you can use now!

1. If you are targeting local businesses or offices, go to a cookie place and buy one of those HUGE cookies. Have them paint your name and number on the cookie using icing. Deliver it in person. Everyone will be talking about you for days! It's important NOT TO USE SMALL COOKIES. You want to use a big cookie because they are too big for one person to eat alone...forcing at least a few conversations about you and your company!

2. Hold a contest. A simple contest or questionnaire will work even without a prize...or much of a prize. For example, email or use social media to ask people what you should call your company. Tell them your top three choices for names or logos. Ask for their feedback. People are always glad to share their opinions and, in the process, you will have an opportunity to tell them all about your practice. It works!

3. It's an overlooked tactic because it takes a little work, but make some cheap flyers and pass them out door-to-door. If you want to turn it up a notch, approach other companies and offer to deliver their flyers for them! If you can get just a few to say "yes" it will pay for your own flyers right away. Want to turn it up another notch? Get some neighborhood kids to hang them on doors for you. Just don't litter! I don't want any calls from jail. I've done this one before. It works really well if you need to move some feet to your business location.

4. Hire an artist (Craigslist will do just fine.) to use chalk to draw your company name and logo on a busy street downtown with directions to your shop or to your website. People will think it's neat. They will remember. Take a bunch of pictures for your social media site. Tweet it. Fun is memorable! It's cheap, too. You can always find a local college student who will be willing to the job for you.

5. I like to call T-Shirts walking billboards because they are cheap and always tell a story. Give some away. Make it a big deal or some kind of contest. You only need a dozen or two and that few can be had for not much at all. People like free things. Plus they have what I call "trophy value" if you do a contest. People will be glad to tell others how they won it every time. It's a win for you. Just be sure to include your website in the design.

Got any ideas you want to add? Please email mark@livebigdieempty.com and I can include them in a future blog or update! The bottom line is you can't be afraid to do something different. Getting people to talk about you is part of the point! Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra is an excellent and fun read to help you break out of the normal ways of thinking about marketing.

Of course, I have to make one more mention. I wrote an EBook called "10 Ultimate No B.S. #MonsterTips to Help You Sell More and Earn More Money NOW!" and it's important because you have to know how to close the business once people start calling you. Please purchase a copy if you need more business!

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