Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

There are too many people cheering me on for me to quit...

Some people like to talk about how often immigrants come to the United States and develop themselves into successes...either in business and entrepreneurship or professional services or in education. There are usually two categories of conversation:

1. Anger that foreigners are taking what should be "ours" somehow.

2. Criticism of those who have been here longer, but haven't accomplished nearly as much.

I tend have a third point of view: curious amazement.

I like to talk to the convenience store owners, hoteliers, doctors and attorneys who most obviously didn't grow up around the corner from me in Texarkana nor in your neighborhood. I like to ask them where they're from...why they came "here" (as in why Houston? or why San Antonio specifically?)...why they have been successful in business or education? Things like that.

Most often I discover that they aren't any smarter, well connected or richer than most people. There is one thing they tend to have in large doses: immeasurable determination! They tell me things like "I have to make it! There are too many people who've done too much to get me here!"

I've also been told..."Do you know how much is costs to hire an English tutor in my country? This is a huge investment." I've been told... "It's such a privilege to be here. I can't stop until I've done enough to help out my people."

These are the things I hear all the time. All the time. Like I said...I am amazed, inspired and encouraged when I hear these tales. They remind me so much of my own path. My brother told me once "As much as I've prayed for you, you'd better not quit!" Similarly with my parents, friends, church family and even Facebook friends...there are too many people praying for me and cheering me on to quit. Too many people have invested too much energy into helping me for me to not give it my best effort.

Maybe that's what we all need to realize?

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." ~Hebrews 12:1 (NASB)

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