Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Blah blah.

Hello folks! I think it's been a long time after my last blabbers post, so I decided to make another one :p (lol it's only a week after my last blabbers post, actually -____- but it's okay to assume a week as a long time, isn't it? :p) and this one will be a-very-long-post with a lot of photos! ;)

And also a hello for Saturday, too!
I took those random selca(s) this morning in the car while going back home. Yeah, I accompanied my mum to took my mid-term report card today (and my sister's too). It wasn't really good, that I got bad scores lately. I don't know if the exams are becoming more difficult or it's me that becoming lazier. I need to be hard-working at study for my next exams! Fightinggg! (ง'̀o'́)ง

Except accompany my mum, I also go to school to buy a pair of new hair bows at a tiny stand near my school. The stand owner's really captious to me, but he's a bit funny, though :p I really became so girly lately, like I've said in my another posts (I forget which one). I started to like girly outfits, hair bows, cute headbands, etc. But I love bows the most! I can't take control of myself everytime I see bows, I scream very quietly while staring at it (of course I don't scream loudly, I don't wanna people become confuse and stare me).

My hair bows collections for now. I want NEED more!!!
The picture below the upper one is the newest, which I bought them this morning (like I've said before). I chose the white one myself and my mum chose the brown for me. I love the white one since my first sight with it! They're IDR 2500 each, and I think it's a reasonable price that they're really-really-really adorable! (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥ I wear them to school everyday since several weeks ago, different color for each day. I often ask my bf for his opinion about my new hair bows, and he always say that they're fits on me. Yeah, he's just like my dad: everytime my mum ask him for opinions about her new shoes/hairstyle/bags/etc, he always say that those are nice without taking a serious look at it. That's one of boys facts: no details! -_-

I keep my hair bows by stuck their clips to one of my unused plain necklace (the black one) and put the necklace around the neck of a glass bottle just like that. It's better than keep them in a box that I might take too much time to find one which placed in the bottom of it, right? :p

My newest headband.
I also use the bottle to keep my headbands (by put its half into the bottle)! Take a look at my newest headband! Cute, isn't it? It has a bow, and a heart shape on the middle of it! I looooveee it! I bought it at Naughty store for IDR 15000 with Refi, one of my best-friends. She also bought the same headband, so we can be twins whenever we want :p I think the next headband I'll buy soon is the plaid one (and with a bow of course!) 'cause I love plaid, too! Who doesn't? ;p

Me with the new headband :p
Hair bow: The bigger one!
Not only the small ones, I love the bigger as well! I bought that one a few weeks ago for around IDR 7000. I never wear this one 'cause my mum and sister both said that it's too big and too weird to wear to school although I think it's not. I saw one of my classmates wore a kind of this size bow to school, and no one thinks it's weird! But I still don't wear it to school, yeah... My mum and my sister are good at making my doubtful. I often wear it at home to keep my bangs from my forehead 'cause it's really hot every afternoon lately. My mum suggested me to do that too, anyways (she believe if I do that I will have less acnes on my forehead and face, yeah she hate it everytime I have acnes on face). 

No showing forehead. I just wanted to take photos with my hair bow elegantly (?) lol :p
I got laryngitis about two weeks ago and recovered a week ago. I was suffering during that week 'cause of my hurting throat and medicines I need to take. The doctor gave me three kind of medicine and all of them are very bitter! That's why I was very happy when I took all of the medicines. But I got flu and cough starting yesterday and tissues becoming my basic needs. And yeah, medicines again. Even my mum told me to drink supplement drink. Sigh... Why God, why? Why is this happening to meeeeeeeeeeehhhh!? Щ(ºДºщ) 'kay... Someone told me to assume all of things I consider as 'disaster' as a gift from God. Sounds really wise, isn't he? Although he's not, actually :p 

Besides hair bows, cute headbands, and plaid, I love blog-walking too. So... I think it's enough for my blabbers this time, let me do some blog-walking tonight... I think you're tired with my blabbers already, anyways :p 
See ya next time, folksss stay tune on my blog for new posts, 'kay ;p 

PS: I'm sure my bf (which doesn't like English language very well) will have a bit trouble in reading this post, or he won't read this even one word! :p

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