Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


Yaaaaawn~ (for today, this also means hello)

Hey there. It's 11 pm now, and I'm not slept yet. Remembering that tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to school, I'll go to bed soon. I took myself to post this 'cause I will be in a-while-hiatus again until next week 'cause my dad doesn't let me use the internet except weekends (or longer than next week if my dad is in a bad mood LOL).

Feels like miracle that I can post things like this, you know, my blabbers about my life. I usually posted litterateurs I made by myself. Yeah, I write things like that when I get bored, and can be so serious in writing sometimes. I also draw pictures when I get bored. And I have too many masterpieces (okay, just call it masterpieces!) to keep so I thrown away some of them. I really want to share them in my blog (that's other way to boost my posts amount up), but I'm too lazy to take a picture of it or scan it... 

Tomorrow's first lesson is Bahasa, and there will be groups' presentation about our last discussion. I exactly know that it will be really boring. My group haven't done a discussion result to be presented but we got the last turn and it means we'll have our presentation next Saturday so I have nothing to worry :p thanks God we got the last turn! :3

I browsed Google to see cute dresses and headbands, and I was soooooooooo impressed! Those things are miracles! I watched them with I-must-have-that-things stare. Fashion blogs really changed me into a girly girl. Maybe I will start appropriate some of money to buy new cute headbands... 

I also visit Veren Lee's blog again. Even if there's no new posts, I explored her blog and take a look at her old posts. I love her style. Her chubby cheeks killed me, she's so cute! I wondered how crowded her wardrobe is with those adorable clothes inside. And in my vision, she's very addicted with wedges. I don't have any wedges. My mum said that it's too mature for me so she never bought one for me. But I have one, which my cousin gave it to me a long time ago. It's white and ruffled. Wish I could show it to y'all someday :3

Yawn~ I think it's time to go to bed. Are you going to bed, too? If you do, nice dreams folks! Buh-bye, see ya next time :* 

It's Sleepy, a dwarf from Snow White's tale.

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