Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

En croissance. Croissant!

This isn't the croissant I intended, 'kay.
I don't know why,
but... It just...
You're being lovely today,
or maybe it would continuing within next days.
Yeah, I hope so.

I laughed a lot with you today.
I was so happy! I wish you felt the same.

You tickled me,
I wasn't feel really good,
but I was really happy!

I tickled you back,
and you laughed.
Oh boy. I love your laugh.
It makes me feel happier.

Although it's only a while
after our little-big-problem,
it feels like we haven't ever be in a fight before.

I'm really happy.
I'm happy that I have you by my side,
I'm grateful that I've destined to meet you in my life.

And guess what?

I think my love to you is growing...

 Je t'aime, ma chérie!

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